Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunderland vs Manchester United video highlight
Sorry.. its been a while since my last post. Here's the highlight of manchester united vs sunderland match. Yes! we're on top now!!! :)
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posted by Nuruddeen710 at 1:53 AM | Permalink |


At 4:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Selamat Pagi

Nice to see Man Utd fans so far away:) you've kept your blog going for a while now and your blog posts were really good. I hope your still going to carry on blogging....

Anyways, I'm Majid and I'm from the UK. I'm launching a football community website called FootyTribes and need some feedback, suggestions for improvements etc and generally help testing the site. Being a blogger we believe you would have a good idea of what dedicated footy fans are after and we'd love to see what you think of the site.

It's a community site for football fans and is really useful for bloggers, as you can promote your blog and make new friends as well as find new readers. I'm sure you would find it really useful.

We are in a soft launch now. Its completely free and you'll be one of the first to see it.

Heres the link, let me know what you think please and please feel free to use the site, whether its to add content or promote your blog.


Majid Hussain


At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

majid your website look cool .